Geographies of Discontent: Public Service Deprivation and the Rise of the Far Right in Italy (with Simone Cremaschi, Marco Cappelluti, and Catherine De Vries), American Journal of Political Science
Featured at: Financial Times, New York Times, VoxEU
Working Papers
Global Harms, Local Profits: How the Uneven Costs of Natural Disasters Affect Support for Green Political Platforms (with Silvia Pianta)
Revise & Resubmit at American Journal of Political Science
Turning Away From the State: Trade Shocks and Informal Insurance in Brazil.
Words Can Hurt: How Political Communication can Change the Pace of an Epidemic (with Jessica Gagete-Miranda and Lucas Mariani)
Under Review
Featured at: O Globo, CNN Brazil, Jovem Pam
A Gender Backlash: Does Exposure to Female Labor Market Participation Fuel Gender Conservatism? (with Diane Bolet, Catherine De Vries, Simone Cremaschi, Tarik Abou-Chadi, and Sergi Pardos-Prado).
Under Review
Works in Progress
Baccini, L., Hicks, John and Rettl, Paula. Populism and Political Trust: Evidence from Latin American. Stage: IRB approved.